Thursday, 19 December 2019


I also tried using the iceconfig tool and that doesn't change anything in-game either. Anyone any bright ideas for fixing this lighting bug mentioned above?? I hope someone creates a user guide describing what each section controls. Here's a shot taken using iCEnhancer 2. Ninjuh, does the game crash at all or do you have to force it to close when it keeps repeating the loading screens? When I disable the sky texture it's slightly better but it's still not correct. eflc icenhancer 2.1

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You must log in or sign up to reply here. KrzYsieKJul 25, I also tried using the iceconfig tool and that doesn't change anything in-game either.

eflc icenhancer 2.1

Edit your settings in the config tool to whatever the recommended ones are. Anyway around that without disabling UAC? Your name or email address: It must be related to something in iCE 3.

eflc icenhancer 2.1

RestlessAug 6, Great patch, thank you. One problem however is now I don't get steam overlay in-game. There's also link for textures including great road textures by DKT70 Changes: No, it's just an annoying side effect.

Besides killing performance they make it look gimmicky. To make sure I don't get bugs caused by permission problems when I install mods, I make sure to edit each file's permissions to run as icenhancdr.

What's up with that? Do you mean that it's just too dark to play? This might be more helpful.

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Point the above comparison out on the Facebook page. Einige Geodaten dieser Seite werden von geonames. There was a patch released yesterday that was supposed icdnhancer "fix" some of the lighting issues people are experiencing with 3. This site uses cookies. There's probably a way around it somewhere online, but I haven't looked.

eflc icenhancer 2.1

I have only one question: I'm just surprised at how wrong it looks. I've looked but I haven't found any active threads discusssing iCEnhancer 3.

No, create an account now. That's the same fix I use and it works great. I hope someone creates a user guide describing what each section controls.

(EFLC) ENB with icenhancer - GTA IV & LCPDFR Support -

Juli um 5: Zuletzt bearbeitet von AssaultShaker ; Maybe someone could donate a 'copy' icdnhancer EFLC to him. I'm using iCEnchancer 2. I just don't get how some people have installed it and aren't having this issue. Zuletzt bearbeitet von aeidios ; I tried it but it didn't fix the lighting at night for me, which is still way too bright. And when I say "different" I mean broken.

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