Wednesday, 18 December 2019


Activate this cheat to become immortal in the game. Thanks to the cheats our MegaTrainer provides, you get infinite mana, oxygen and ammo! Your gold and your runes can be set to any value. This cheat always sets the ammo of your current weapon to maximum. With help of this cheat the enemies won't rate you as threat, so you can walk among them without problems. Open Journal J then activate prepare cheats! It is not surprising that your character has to take the blame. dishonoured game trainer

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This one isn't really a cheat but a function to prepare the game for other codes.

dishonoured game trainer

Special Hint Created by: Activate this cheat to become immortal in the game. Trainer Thanks to the Cheats our MegaTrainer provides, you get infinite mana, oxygen and ammo! With help of this cheat the enemies won't rate you as threat, traimer you can walk among them without problems. This website uses cookies to make your visit as userfriendly as possible.

dishonoured game trainer

Gameplay Now off you go: In the course of other events you attain various magical abilities out of a mystical dream, which can be expanded by runes and bone artefacts during the game. Do you want to get access to all codes trziner perks we offer?

Dishonored v1.3 (+20 Trainer) [FLiNG]

This board is for Dishonored. It is crucial, in order to win this game, to unravel the plot and thwart the terrorist regime of the enemy assassins. Revenge has never been this sweet For this reason trxiner, "cheat" must be activated before you can use other cheats!

Thanks to the cheats our MegaTrainer provides, you get infinite mana, oxygen and ammo! Features Gigantic arsenal of weapons and equipment Considerable repertoire of supernatural abilities Thrilling action and exciting sneak passages Brilliant story with lots of twists Impressive graphics Three alternate endings.

The latter ensures that your enemies do not take notice of you as their opponent.

Dishonored - PC Game Trainer Cheat PlayFix No-CD No-DVD | GameCopyWorld

Living in the capital of an unnamed fantasy world you are going out to be an assassin. Your gold and your runes can be set to any value. For the successful execution of various main and side quests there are numerous and completely individual solutions. For further information please gam our privacy policy statements. Get the conversation going!

If you have a problem with our trainer or a cheat, please check our FAQ or open a Support. This cheat is only available to bronze- silver- and gold-member. This board is for our Dishonored trainer for Dishonored. Activate this cheat in the journal and then switch to the inventory to modify the amount of gold or gamme.

Arkane Studios Release Year: It is not surprising that your character has to take the blame. Click below and become godlike in your game! Buy a membership and get access to more cheats and other amazing perks.

dishonoured game trainer

Dishonored Cheats Cheat Keys. Description Story But from scratch: This cheat always sets the ammo of your current weapon to maximum. Use this platform to discuss positive and negative aspects of the game. Fortunately, however, some faithful guardians of the Empress free you out of prison and therefore give you the trajner to hunt down the real masterminds of this conspiracy.

As long as this cheat is active, your mana will be full all the time.

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